Congratulations on being blessed with twins! Having twins can be so much fun……and then there are the times where you have a “twincident” and its not so much fun!
What is a “twincident” I hear you ask? Well….read on to find out.
Fun Twin Words for Parents of Twins
Twiblings – Siblings who are twins
Twiglets – When your twins act like little piglets
Twhingers – Twins who whinge. A lot.
Twinadoes – Like a tornado. But there are two of them. And they live in your house permanently.

Twinathons – The amount of effort it feels like to strap your twins in their car seats
Twinces – Boy twins (twin princes)
Twinception – The moment your twins were conceived
Twincesses – Girl twins (twin princesses)
Twincharged – When your twins are bouncing off each other’s energy
Twincident – When your twins are together and get into everything and cause trouble
Twinclone – Identical twins
Twincredible – The fact that at one stage you had 3 heads, 6 legs and 30 fingers
Twincubator – Being pregnant with twins
Twindependence Day – When your twins insist on putting their own shoes on

Twindividuals – How your twins want to be treated
Twinepathy – The art of contacting your twin subconsciously
Twinfo – Australia’s largest online resource for parents of twins (and triplets!)
Twing – A swing that holds twins. Check out the Twinfo ‘Twing Directory’ HERE.
Twingenuity – When twins work together to achieve a common goal (generally up to mischief!)
Twingers – Twins who have ginger hair
Twinglish – The secret language only your twins speak and understand
Twinititus – When you can’t hear anything over the constant noise your twins cause
Twinjas – When your twins both use their ninja moves to outwit you

Twinkles – The twin lights of your life
Twinly – Something done or felt in a manner only possible to be understood and felt by twins.
Twinnection – The connection between twins
Twinning – The act of Winning and being a Twin.. simultaneously
Twinnuendo – When one twin makes a joke about the other twin
Twinsane – The amount of crazy comments that random strangers feel the need to make about your twins or your twin pregnancy
Twinsanity – A word to describe your life
Twinside Joke – An inside joke between twins
Twinsistent – When both your twins insist on “me do it”
Twinspect – When each twin must check what the other twin has to ensure it is fair

Twinspiration – When you look back at how far your twins have come since they were born
Twinstars – The stars of your life
Twinstigator – The twin who started the trouble
Twinstinct – When you just know your twins are getting into mischief
Twintastic – When your twins are behaving and being nice to each other generally the best 10 seconds of your day!
Twinternet – When one twin just knows what the other twin is thinking
Twisdom – Things only other twin parents understand
Twisters – Twin sisters
Twit – The random stranger at the shops who says ‘Oh, yes I know what it is like have twins, after all my children are only x months apart!’

You can read our fun triplet words HERE.