Married to identical twins. Twinterview with the wives of identical twins

being Married to identical twins

This stranger than fiction story of Kathryn Day (aka Kate) and Katherine Day (aka Nina) who met at university while studying Winemaking. Separately they embarked on award winning winemaking journeys both here in Australia and across the globe. Then among the clinking of fabulous fizz and vintage vino, a chance meeting at Kate’s wedding saw Nina meet and fall in love with the best man; the identical twin brother of Kate’s husband! Now together they have a boutique wine brand apply named In Two Minds

Twinfo sat them down to quiz them about their relationships being married to male identical twins.

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Outnumbered – Twin Poem

poem about twins

Author: Monica Harber

A poem I wrote about what it is like to have twins.

It’s called ‘Outnumbered’ and it’s about just that, being outnumbered.


There’s more of them than there is of me.
How can I explain so that you can see?
You never experience the transition from one to two.
Instead, it goes straight from me to a few.
It’s reciting their birth order to remember their name.
Having to choose who first to tend to, torments you, fills you with shame.
So many products, places, outings so inaccessible.
The barriers, preparation, and multi-tasking; unimaginable.
You must sacrifice one to put the other in the car.
Checking that vehicles aren’t near but far.
Your needs don’t come second, but third or fourth.
Still, your heart when you cuddle them fills with such warmth.
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Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load with Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh and twins

Disclaimer: This is an affiliate blog, but I seriously LOVE Hello Fresh, so that’s why I am sharing it. My only regret is not doing it earlier when we were struggling with multiple newborn babies.

Those of you who are regular Twinfo readers know how much I talk about my twins and reducing the mental load where possible. The mental load of being a multi mum is huge (or Dad, but in my case most of their care falls to me so I am writing this blog from my point of view as a mum of multiples).

Plus….did you know that looking after newborn twins take approximately 19 hours a day?

I was at the point where my mental load was causing me to stress about my mental load! Crazy hey! So I decided to do a few things about it.

Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load

Firstly, I paid upfront for a 50 pack of Pilates classes.   Everyone talks about how exercise helps reduce stress levels, so I decided I would just do it.  And by paying up front I knew that this would mean I would go.  As I had already paid for it as I hate wasting money.

Then I looked at some of big things that put pressure on my mental load and Dave and I talked about what we could do to minimise those things.

My top one is Hello Fresh.  I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Hello Fresh as it has reduced my mental load considerably, and has actually made me a happier person.  (Seriously!). 

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Adult Twin Relationship – Interview with 46 Year Old Twins

adult twin relationship

All twin parents wonder at some stage what their “babies” adult twin relationship will be like. Twinfo has been conducting a series of “twinterviews” to find out.

Denise and Linda are 46 years old.   They live at opposite ends of the country, however have an amazing bond.    Denise lives in Brisbane, Queensland, and Linda lives in Mandurah, Western Australia.

They are unsure if they are identical or fraternal.  We would love to know your thoughts in the comments below!

Adult Twin Relationship Twinterview

Are you identical twins or fraternal twins?

Denise:   Not sure as we haven’t been tested. We are the same blood type but my sister can curl her tongue and I can’t and that is a DNA trait. If identical (from a DNA point of view) then we wouldn’t be.

Linda:  Unsure.

8 year old twins
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Anxiety due to Coronavirus

COVID-19 and anxiety

Author: Amanda Curran, Registered Psychologist

Dealing with the anxiety around COVID-19

Information is coming from every angle, and it’s confusing.

Things are changing by the day, and even by the hour.

anxiety from coronavirus

It would be easy to panic, feel your heart race when someone sneezes or coughs around you, but is this helpful?

For the majority of people COVOD-19 will not enter your home. And if it does you will feel unwell for a week or so (or may not even know you have it) and then recover fully, able to re-enter your life fully after all symptoms have subsided. Some however will get very ill, very quickly and will need medical attention.

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Being a mum to adult identical triplet girls

being a mum to identical triplet girls

Author: Lindy Fien

Well, here we are. My identical triplet girls (Shannen, Kaitlin and Courtney) are finally adults, and I am so proud. Life in our family has been a roller coaster from the day we found out we were expecting triplets.

pregnant with identical triplet girls

Finding out we were pregnant with triplets

There were big changes in the year 2000. A bigger car, my boys 10 and 12 yrs had to learn to share a room and my attention. Endless bottles, nappies, clothing, bathing, feeding….it all seemed so overwhelming. So, we formed a production line, an organised routine that got our girls to adulthood with my sanity still intact. Not to say there weren’t times when I questioned my ability to parent, but I realised I’d been given this amazing task and damn it, I was going to get it right.

raising identical triplet girls
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Questions for adult fraternal twins! Find out their answers.

adult fraternal twins

Have you ever wanted to know what it is like to live your life as a twin? Everyone is fascinated with twins, both identical and fraternal twins.  There are always so many questions for adult fraternal twins

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that the proportion of confinements resulting in a multiple birth has remained fairly consistent for the past decade, ranging from 1.5 to 1.6% of total confinements. In 2017, there were 4,528 confinements resulting in a multiple birth. 60 of these were triplets or higher order births. There were 50 less multiple births in 2017 than in 2016.

Recently we interviewed Jacqui, a fraternal twin with her sister Clare, living on the East Coast of Australia, to find out what it is really like to live as a twin. Here are the questions for adult fraternal twins that we asked.

questions for adult fraternal twins
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