Most people are aware that they aren’t going to get much sleep once their multiples arrive. But what I hadn’t realised is just how hard it was to sleep towards the end of your twin/triplet pregnancy.
It is recommended to sleep on your side after 28 weeks gestation, as this can minimise still birth. Sleeping on your back puts pressure on major blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow to your womb and thus restrict the oxygen flow.
Read more about this on the Red Nose website HERE.
As if that isn’t enough, the left side is the better side to sleep on, as this can help improve circulation, plus is prevents excess weight pressing down on your liver.
Someone who has not been pregnant with multiples themselves will not truly understand the discomfort it can bring. The multiple limbs inside you, jostling for space, the extra weight, the pain in your hips, back and pelvis plus the fact your bladder is being trampled on means that getting comfortable at night can be somewhat challenging.
In fact, I have had quite a few people say they actually got MORE sleep once their babies were born!

Using a pregnancy pillow when pregnant with twins or triplets
Apparently, these full size pregnancy pillows things are so amazing, that some people have given them a name (much to their partners horror!) and vowed never to part with them.
Note: I never used one, as I don’t know about them at the time. Instead, I had 6 pillows between my legs, under my tummy, under my hip, behind my back. You name it. It had a pillow is an effort to try to get comfortable before my bladder made me get up……again. My trusty pillow fort was an absolute necessity for getting some sleep. I went to visit my parents one weekend while pregnant……….and took ALL my pillows with me. Just incase they didn’t have enough.
Basically, pregnancy pillows are specially designed to fit on certain parts of your body and add support. There are several different types made to fit on your lower back, between your knees or thighs, on your neck, or on your stomach.
Shop for pregnancy pillows HERE.

For me personally, I had SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) and rolling over was intensely painful. My pelvis would actually crack like it was breaking. It was so hard for me to roll over that when I had to get up in the night to visit the bathroom, I would get up, go to the bathroom then come back and go to my partners side of the bed and tap him of the shoulder to roll over, and I would then get in his side and sleep on that side for a while. Until I had to get up again! Of course, this meant rebuilding the whole pillow fort each time. So a full body pregnancy pillow would be infinitely easier.
Shop for pregnancy pillows HERE.
Sleeping in a recliner when pregnant with twins or triplets
Firstly, I am basing this of hearsay from within our Australian Parents of Multiples Group, as we don’t own a recliner!
Many of our families have mentioned that they pretty much slept in their recliner – some from about 28 weeks onwards.
Put the footrests up. Throw a fitted sheet over the recliner, so its easier to keep the recliner clean, and invest in a travel pillow to avoid getting a crick in your neck.

Sleeping upright on the couch
We were lucky in that we had a L shaped couch. So I would sometimes wedge myself in the corner, stack my 6 trusty pillows all around me and try to catch a few zzzz’s this way.
Hire a hospital bed
It may sound extreme, but if you are in this for the long haul (i.e. prescribed bed rest) then maybe look into hiring a hospital bed for a month or two.
A hospital bed has the benefit that you can raise and lower the top and bottom parts of the bed as needed.
Some other tips that may help with sleeping when pregnant with twins or triplets
The struggle is real. There is no denying it. Here are some tips that may help you with sleeping when pregnant with twins or triplets.
- A warm shower before bed will help.
- Go for a pregnancy massage.
- Try a heat pack on your hips before you go to sleep.
- Speak to a physio therapist. They will be able to provide you with some gentle stretches to do before you go to sleep. And again in the morning when you wake up.
- Make sure you are getting some exercise every day. A gentle walk or some yoga will help.
- Avoid caffeine as much as you can in the evening.
- Leave your phone in the kitchen so you aren’t tempted to check it.
- Do something mindful – such as this colouring in book for twin or triplet pregnancy before you go to bed to wind down.
- If sleep is really an issue speak to your care giver. There are some pregnancy safe sleep medications that can be used.
- Try to get some sleep during the day.

For all of you reading this, who are probably up in the middle of the night as you can’t sleep, I promise you will feel so much better once the babies are born and you can sleep again. I know the sleep deprivation will also be real when you are getting up multiples times a night to multiple babies, but trust me…….being woken by your babies is much nicer than waking up in pain!

Twinfo is Australia’s largest, most supportive, online community for parents of twins and triplets. Twinfo offers advice, products and services that make raising your babies easier, freeing you up to enjoy all the precious moments.
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