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Cell Care | Cord Blood Banking

Multiple Birth Parent: No


When you’re pregnant with twins you have a lot of important decisions to make. Deciding to collect and store umbilical cord blood and tissue for your twins is one of those decisions that needs to be made prior to birth.


 Your twins umbilical cord blood and tissue contain powerful stem cells that can be used for medical treatments


cord blood banking and triplets

What is umbilical cord blood & tissue?


Cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after a baby is born and the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut. Cord tissue is a segment of the umbilical cord.

Your twin umbilical cord blood and tissue contains powerful stem cells that can be used for medical treatments.


Why store umbilical cord blood & tissue?


  • Cord blood is currently being used in place of bone marrow transplants for many life-threatening conditions such as blood cancers, leukaemia’s, immune system and metabolic disorders


  • Your baby’s cord blood stem cells are a perfect match for your child. Plus are more likely to be a match for siblings


  • Worldwide, cord blood has been used in over 40,000 transplants in the treatment of over 80 conditions


  • There is an expanding range of new therapies being researched that anticipate using cord blood and tissue in the future including type 1 diabetes and cerebral palsy


 You only have one opportunity to store your twins cord blood and tissue

– at birth


banking cord blood twinfo


How is umbilical cord blood and tissue collected?

You only have one opportunity to collect and store your twins cord blood and tissue stem cells. At birth.

Once you have enrolled to have your twins cord blood collected, you will receive collection kits to take to the hospital with you. The collection process is quick and painless for mother and babies.  The process is performed by a trained obstetrician or trained Cell Care collector.


twins cell care


Cord blood banking - twin discount

Cell Care is offering Twinfo readers an exclusive discount offer of $300 off per baby for cord blood ($600 total) or $600 off per baby for cord blood and tissue ($1200 total).

Simply use the referral codes TWIN100 for cord blood or TWIN200 for cord blood and tissue


Request your information pack today


Make an informed decision about storing your babies cord blood and tissue.

Request your information pack here today


Got more questions?  Read our blog on cord blood banking for twins HERE.


Read Ben and Jackie Gillies (from The Real Housewives of Melbourne, and Silverchair) story about their cord banking for twins experience HERE.


triplets cell care




Request your information pack here today


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