Triplets, Twins and Toe Walking

twins and delayed walking

Author: Melissa Biedak, Podiatrist, Children’s Podiatry Clinics

An amazing journey has just begun! Your multiples have just reached an exciting new milestone – walking.

Walking allows your children to explore the world like never before.  Your children’s bodies are prepared for this new exploration, the bumps, the trips and the falls with it’s soft, flexible and elastic nature.

When a child begins to walk, they usually have a very flat footed stomp.  You can hear them walking or running down the corridor.  Stomp, stomp, stomp!

Once a few months have passed, your twins or triplets will become more confident with their walking pattern, and they will be wanting to explore new heights and adventures. This will eventually include climbing and running.

Usually, the best adventures around the house should be barefoot if the weather allows for it.  Socks with little grips on the bottom may also be helpful if it is a little cold.  This will help develop your child’s balance and co-ordination.

Within the first few months of walking, you may notice that one or all of your multiples are experimenting with their walking style.  This is part of the process of gaining balance.  Some children for a short time may tip toe walk at some point within the first few months of walking.  Quite often this phase will resolve on its own, however, if it does not resolve within a short time an assessment with a health professional may be required.

do twins walk later

When should you be concerned about your triplets or twins and toe walking?

For the majority of children this is only a temporary habit  (a few months) and they will typically grow out of toe walking by the age of 3 years old.

There a numerous features of toe walking including:

  • Walking on their tippy toes on both sides
  • Are constantly balancing on their toes
  • Keeping up with children their own age
  • Walking with straight knees
  • Tend to be able to stand with their feet flat on the ground
  • Have a family history of toe walking
toe walking in twins

Are there different reasons for toe walking?

Some children who toe walk have muscular tightness in their posterior (back) leg muscles making it difficult for their heels to make contact with the ground. Typically, parents will observe that their children will walk and run on their toes.

Another type of toe walking is called idiopathic toe walking.  Idiopathic means “of unknown cause”.  These children have the flexibility and ability required to walk with their heels contacting the ground first, but don’t.

In rare cases your child may have conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, muscular dystrophy and other neurological conditions which after often associated with toe walking.

toe walking and twins and triplets

What treatment options are available for toe walkers?

If you ware worried about your triplets or twins and toe walking, there are many treatment options available for toe walkers.  The most gentle being stretches, massage, footwear and orthotic modifications and exercise.  For more difficult cases options include: botox injections or night splints.

The prognosis for toe walkers is very good overall with many children who undertake treatment reporting good success.

Childrens podiatry twins

Melissa Biedak

Twin Mum and Podiatrist

Children’s Podiatry Clinics



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