Married to identical twins. Twinterview with the wives of identical twins

being Married to identical twins

This stranger than fiction story of Kathryn Day (aka Kate) and Katherine Day (aka Nina) who met at university while studying Winemaking. Separately they embarked on award winning winemaking journeys both here in Australia and across the globe. Then among the clinking of fabulous fizz and vintage vino, a chance meeting at Kate’s wedding saw Nina meet and fall in love with the best man; the identical twin brother of Kate’s husband! Now together they have a boutique wine brand apply named In Two Minds

Twinfo sat them down to quiz them about their relationships being married to male identical twins.

How did you both meet your partners (who are identical twins)

Kate: I was studying at university when I spotted John (the brother) playing rugby and was pleasantly surprised when I found out he was an identical twin, instantly doubling my odds 😊 later that night Micah and I met at the pub, and the rest they say is history. We have been together for 20 years now, married for 15.

Nina: I met John at Kate and Micah’s wedding – the best man caught my eye and after a long night together (mostly talking of course haha) we decided to give a relationship go despite living 10 hours drive apart.

identical twin boys and marriage

Do the boys have a close relationship?  How often do they see each other?

Although they are not close in geography, they have a very close relationship talking at least twice a week on the phone. They are by and far best friends and clearly enjoy having one another as a sounding board. They are very different in personality, but definitely have the same likes, and ambitions in life. Clearly they both like girls by the name of Kathryn who make wine! We try to ensure that the families catch up at least 3 times a year socially aside from our business meetings. 

What was your first reaction to finding out your new partner was an identical twin?

Kate: As previously mentioned, when I found out on the sidelines of the rugby field that they were twins I was ecstatic! I absolutely loved that aside from meeting my future husband, I also gained a best friend in John. John then meeting and marrying a dear friend of mine was the icing on the cake.

Nina: It was initially quite nerve racking – I was very worried at the wedding that I might sidle up to the wrong twin and risk a fierce tackle from the bride! It is a really amazing relationship the boys have, so the fact that I felt Micah was a friend before John and I became a couple felt very special indeed.

Married to identical twins and children

How did you feel the first time you met your husbands identical twin?

Kate: I met the boys together, and to be honest John had a girlfriend at the time so my interest was instantly directed at Micah, because lets be honest they looked exactly the same! 😊

Nina: In my case I met Micah before I met John, so I felt like I already knew John before I really did – and I knew Micah was a very supportive, loving, and kind partner to Kate so I had a preview of what John might be like!

Do your husbands still look similar to each other? 

Kate: They definitely look alike but go through stages of one carrying a bit more weight than the other. I have always been able to tell them apart as they are mirror image twins (one has a cowlick going right, one left, one is right-handed one is left-handed etc.), but my mum had trouble in the early days telling them apart. The boys mum still can’t tell them apart on the phone.

Nina: Yep! The more I got to know them both the less they looked the same, but as I mentioned at the wedding I was particularly confused since they were both in Tux’s (and perhaps I had had a few too many Champagnes!) It was really funny when the kids were very young how confused their little faces were when they saw their uncle – you could see them thinking why am I seeing double?!

what its like being married to identical twins

Do your husbands have similar mannerisms?

Kate: Yes they definitely do. 

Nina: Yes! And their voices especially!

Do either of you have children? As identical twins share the same DNA, the children of two pairs of identical twins are legally cousins, but genetically more similar to sibling.  How do all your children get on?

We both have two kids each. Micah and I have two boys aged 9 and 6 and John and Nina have a girl and boy aged 10 and 6. Both our eldest children could easily be mistaken for brother and sister or fraternal twins as they are very similar in appearance and personalities. They are great friends. The two youngest boys don’t look similar in appearance, but absolutely love each other’s company. The cousins definitely love catching up and have a special bond.

wives to identical twins

You are both obviously close as you work together, but were you worried you wouldn’t like each other and the subsequent impact this could have on your husband’s relationship?

We are always very mindful with our business that family and our subsequent relationships come first, so have worked very hard with an external party to outline succession planning or the like to ensure that our business will never impact our family dynamic no matter what circumstance.

You must have some funny stories that relate to being married to identical twins.  Can you share some?

Kate: Micah had a friend call him once saying that he should be a bit more careful in future as he saw him out with “another girl,” not realising that Micah was an identical twin and he had in actual fact seen John and Nina together!

Nina: One of the funniest moments I remember was when Kate and I were discussing handsome actors we like (very highbrow conversations we sometimes have when driving long distances to vineyards!), and after disagreeing on almost all our favourites I said ‘wow we really don’t have the same taste in men!’. 

twin wine makers

I’m sure you get a lot of crazy comments when people find out you are married to identical twins.  What are some of the craziest you have been asked?

I think our stranger than fiction story of being both Kathryn’s, both winemakers, married to identical twins has super seeded the initial interest in just being married to identical twins. The amount of times we have been at wine tastings and told our story and people have said they just got goose bumps, is pretty cool and just reiterates our highly unique and awesome situation.

Enough about the story – where can we buy the wine??

The lovely ladies at In Two Minds have generously offered all Twinfo families $22.00 off any case purchase (along with the free freight!). You can check out their amazing wines below. Simply apply the code “twinning” at checkout for your discount.

In Two Minds – Wine with a multiple twist!

In two Minds - wine made by women married to twins

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