IVF Twins. Our twins were conceived through IVF

twins via ivf

Author: Anonymous

We were doing IVF, and had transferred two embryos, so it wasn’t a real surprise as such to find out we were expecting IVF twins. However, it was more than we could have dreamed about. This pregnancy was our 8th attempt at IVF. And each attempt had involved the full shebang with daily injections and an egg collection. One cycle had been successful, with twins, but sadly they were not to be and we lost one at 9 weeks and the other at 11 weeks. So it was not a smooth journey by any means.

I was a serial POAS addict. So I already knew I was pregnant before I had the official blood test at the clinic. However, it was with absolute baited breath that I awaited the test results with that all important HCG number. To my absolute relief it was high, at 976. I had regular blood tests, and the numbers were going up and up. The next month my HCG was 9334. But again, I couldn’t relax until that first scan.

IVF baby

IVF twins AGAIN!

Our fertility specialist had told us at the 7 week scan with our previous IVF twin pregnancy that “it didn’t look good”. I never did find out what he meant by that. So it was with absolute relief that we heard him say that it was looking good this time. And that there were TWO!!! Two healthy embryos on either side of the uterus!! I literally cried with relief.

Walking out of his office and down the hill to work I could not stop smiling. I swear I smiled at every person I saw. How I imagine that I didn’t do any work that day at all!!! Mind you, it was bittersweet euphoria. One moment I was insanely overjoyed then I oscillated to being insanely petrified that we would lose these babies as well. At the next scan, two weeks later, they were measuring spot on. I was so relieved, as it was at this scan last time that we discovered that one baby had passed away and that the other was measuring well behind.

IVF pregnancy
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Telling people we were expecting twins

Due to our last pregnancy ending in such a bad way we decided not to tell many people this time. We told our immediate family at Christmas time and others after the magic three month mark. I told my work at 15 weeks. I asked them to keep it quiet as I ended up in hospital with a scare.

Thankfully all was well and we announced it to the world via a corny Facebook post……..something along the lines of the fact “we were doing house renovations and that we were extending in 6 months time by 4 feet”. Not a lot of people got it to start with, and we enjoyed the various reactions we got. Most people were totally shocked that we were having twins. It was fun hearing peoples reactions when they found out.


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