We all know, being a parent of multiples is hard. And yes, it does mean that we may need to reach for the i-pads and tablets a bit more than we would like to. Don’t beat yourself up about it, there is no judgment here!
The below list is more for older children, which you can use to compliment your children’s learning journey guilt free!
Please note: These programs are not affiliated with Twinfo in anyway.

Educational apps for school aged children: Maths based programs
Supporting mathematics learning for students across Australia, both in the classroom and at home, through interactive activities, games and challenges. By blending intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and rewards, and using best-practice theories of gamified learning, Mathletics keeps students engaged with maths. With fresh activities, challenges and regularly updated content, Mathletics always has something new to learn and fun to do. Mathletics has a free trial for 48 hours
Find out more about Matheletics HERE.
One Dad. Four daughters. 9,288 worksheets… and counting!
Repetition is the path to mastery, and so the logic goes with timed math drills. This site has a growing collection of over 8,000 PDF math worksheets with answer. There are also educational calculators that help illustrate how problems are solved, not just provide answers.
Find out more about Dads Worksheets HERE.
Hit the Button
Mental maths and calculation skills practice for 5-11 year olds. In Hit the Button you answer as many questions as possible in minute-long games, or you can practise without the pressure of a countdown timer. Questions are randomly generated which means it is very replayable. The game has been designed for children, with large, widely spaced buttons.
Find out more about Hit the Button HERE.
An engaging, curriculum-aligned math platform. Easily motivate 1st to 8th grade students to learn and practice math. Encourage self-paced math practice in and out of school. This is FREE to use.
Find out more about prodigy HERE.

Educational apps for school aged children: Literacy based programs
Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs always have a free trial, which ranges from 7-30 days. Hot tip: If you have already use a free trial, you could maybe use a grandparents email address to sign up for a new trial.
Find out more about Reading Eggs HERE.
Spelling City
A K-12 supplemental literacy tool that provides spaced and repeated practice to build vocabulary retention and reading comprehension. 40+ activities help students hear, say, write, break down and play with words. FREE version available.
Find out more about Spelling City HERE.
Teaching your Monster to read
Covers everything from letters and sounds to reading full sentences. This comes in an ap version and a computer version. The computer version is free.
The game takes children on a magical journey, meeting colourful characters along the way and collecting fantastic rewards. When children are engaged, they’re motivated to learn.
As they progress, they rehearse a range of essential reading skills; matching letters to sounds, blending, segmenting, tricky words and reading full sentences.
Find out more about Teaching Your Monster to Read HERE.
LiteracyPlanet is a comprehensive, whole of curriculum English education platform suitable for all school students from kindergarten to year 12. They even have a 14 day free trial.
Find out more about LiteracyPlanet HERE.
Squiggle Park
Squiggle Park is built on the concept that practice is the best route to mastery. Therefore every player, regardless of skill, must play and master every stage in a world. In Squiggle Park, we define mastery to be a combination of accuracy, speed and context. Students will encounter the same material in different games. For example, sometimes they’ll hear a phoneme and have to find the matching grapheme, sometimes they will start with the grapheme and look to collect all the matching phonemes and sometimes they will be trying to identify objects that start (or end) with a given grapheme/phoneme.
Find out more about Squiggle Park HERE.

Educational apps for school aged children: History based programs
History For Kids
Try History for Kids, which is a free online history network. The website is packed with articles, worksheets and even a quiz on each section. You will find cool games, videos, worksheets on many historical events that will help you understand those that have gone before us.
Find out more about History for Kids HERE.

Science based programs
Science 4 Us
Get kids hands-on with science. Kids explore science topics. Introduce concepts and build a strong science foundation. Incorporates literacy skills. Exposure to science vocabulary, sight words, and much more. FREE 30 day trial.
Find out more about Science 4 Us HERE.
Mystery Doug
Free, easy science for remote learning. We help kids stay curious by creating better explanations. Most questions that children ask, grownups simply don’t know how to answer. How does a magnet stick to a fridge? Can animals get sunburn? Why do some people have different accents?
Answering these questions—and thousands more—in a truly engaging way is hard, and it takes time and knowledge (of facts and pedagogy) that most adults don’t have at the tip of their tongues, and answers you find via Google or on Wikipedia aren’t made for kids.
Find out more about Mystery Doug HERE.

Educational apps for school aged children: Coding based programs
Coding Hour
Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Code.org increases diversity in computer science by reaching students of all backgrounds where they are — at their skill-level, in their schools, and in ways that inspire them to keep learning. You can code with Anna and Elsa, Minecraft, Dance Party, Basketball, Moana and hundreds more. As a bonus, you can get the cheat sheets, so don’t panic. And best of all it is entirely FREE.
Find out more about Coding Hour HERE.
With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16, but is used by people of all ages. The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas. Scratch is a FREE program to use.
Find out more about Scratch HERE.

Learning to type programs
Dance Mat typing
A fun way to learn touch typing for children aged up to 11 years. It is interactive, fun, free and easy-to-use for kids.
Find out more about Dance Mat Typing HERE.
Typing Club
Keep practicing each lesson until you get all five stars. It really doesn’t take much to learn, a few minutes a day for one to two weeks and you will be a pro! You do not need to create an account. However, as you go through the lessons, you can create an optional profile in order to save your progress. This is a FREE site.
Find out more about Typing Club HERE.

General and mixed subject programs
Studyladder offers a sequential learning program that includes videos, interactive activities, worksheets and assessments. It caters for all learning needs from kindergarten to the end of primary school. Study ladder has a limited free version and a premium version.
Find out more about Study Ladder HERE.
IXL Learning
Practice makes perfect, and IXL makes Maths and English practice fun! You can get 10 free questions per day unless you get a membership.
Find out more about IXL HERE.
EdShed is the umbrella for several educational products and brands.
Find out more about EdShed HERE.
These include:
- Maths Shed
Maths Shed is a maths platform designed to significantly impact on enjoyment of maths and results. Maths Shed have a 14-Day Free Trial.
Find out more about Maths Shed HERE.
- Spelling Shed
This spelling platform is designed by a team of Primary School teachers. Spelling Shed have a 14-Day Free Trial.
Find out more about Spelling Shed HERE.
The trusted home of teacher-created planning and assessment materials and teaching resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum! Perfect for inside and outside the classroom.
Find out more about Twinkl HERE.
Khan Academy
Join Khan Academy to get personalised help with what you’re studying or to learn something completely new. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalised learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
Find out more about Kahn Academy HERE.
Khan Academy Kids
For children aged two to seven. In addition to building early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math skills, the app encourages creativity and builds social-emotional skills. It is 100% free, with no ads and no in-app purchases.
Find out more about Kahn Academy Kids HERE.

Twinfo is Australia’s largest, most supportive, online community for parents of twins and triplets. Twinfo offers advice, products and services that make raising your babies easier, freeing you up to enjoy all the precious moments.
You can connect with Twinfo via the Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Etsy.