Twin Advertising Package – Monthly Package

$30.00 / month


Social Media Welcome
on Facebook & Instagram
Featured listing on home page (8 only) N
Direct brand exposure to multiple birth parents Y
Inproved brand SEO with direct links to your site Y
Number of business locations 2
Number of service categories or products 3
Skype listing (allows your business to be found under the ‘normal’ and the ‘skype’ directory Y
Number of photos  in listing (plus your logo) 4
Social Media shoutouts on the Twinfo pages N
Video made about your business and promoted on Social media.
(You will be required to provide additonal high resolution images)
 Published E-interview about your business with a link to your listing on the Twinfo site Y
Optimised SEO blog with a link to your listing on the Twinfo site N
Ability to post on the Twinfo Facebook page for the weekly business night.  This is open to all Twinfo members. Y
Closed Facebook group access.
Weekly business day for Twinfo Vendors only.
Ability to offer adhoc solutions to members problems.
Permission to promote your brand via Facebook Live in the closed group or on the Twinfo page N
Inclusion of your brand in the Twinfo newsletter N
Additional social media shoutouts $20.00
Additional locations N