Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load with Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh and twins

Disclaimer: This is an affiliate blog, but I seriously LOVE Hello Fresh, so that’s why I am sharing it. My only regret is not doing it earlier when we were struggling with multiple newborn babies.

Those of you who are regular Twinfo readers know how much I talk about my twins and reducing the mental load where possible. The mental load of being a multi mum is huge (or Dad, but in my case most of their care falls to me so I am writing this blog from my point of view as a mum of multiples).

Plus….did you know that looking after newborn twins take approximately 19 hours a day?

I was at the point where my mental load was causing me to stress about my mental load! Crazy hey! So I decided to do a few things about it.

Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load

Firstly, I paid upfront for a 50 pack of Pilates classes.   Everyone talks about how exercise helps reduce stress levels, so I decided I would just do it.  And by paying up front I knew that this would mean I would go.  As I had already paid for it as I hate wasting money.

Then I looked at some of big things that put pressure on my mental load and Dave and I talked about what we could do to minimise those things.

My top one is Hello Fresh.  I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Hello Fresh as it has reduced my mental load considerably, and has actually made me a happier person.  (Seriously!). 

My five top things that have helped my mental load are:

  • Hello Fresh
  • Our Deebot robot vacuum aka “Freddy” who I credit for saving our relationship.
  • Our electric Ryobi mower
  • Putting my credit card on my phone and using the StoCard App so I no longer have to carry my purse everywhere.
  • Putting a load of washing on every night, regardless of if the load if a full load.  We put it on at night, hang it out first thing in the morning.  The kids then help me sort and out it away each afternoon.

Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load with Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh helps me reduce my mental load as I don’t need to think about what to cook! Dave works long hours, so the cooking and shopping falls to me – which is fine, but means I have to think about what we are going to eat every day!  We choose the meals as a family (you get about 25 to choose from).  I always make sure that at least one of the meals is suitable for freezing (such as a pasta or a curry) as if something happens (ie we go out for dinner), I can always cook and freeze it for later.  

I love that I don’t need to go grocery shopping.   This also saves me money as I don’t “impulse buy”.  I was never a meal planner (which is very surprising as I plan everything else in my life to the last degree!).  Before we used Hello Fresh I would just always grab random things that were on sale, but then have to make another trip to the supermarket to buy the other bits I needed to cook the full meal.   I was generally going to the supermarket 4 times a week.  Which was CRAZY.  Now I go once a week.

triplets twins and reducing the mental load

Do the kids like Hello Fresh?

YES!!!!! My kids have loved every single meal.   They help me choose them for the week.  And then they help me choose which one we will have that night (we get 4 a week).

They love helping me cook these meals, and I’ve worked out why.  Both are dyslexic and struggle with their reading.  Normally I read recipes off my phone etc, but with Hello Fresh you get a recipe card that has written instructions and pictures.  On the nights we have Hello Fresh, one of them helps me cook.  And I love it!  Its fun!!!  We spend one on one time together laughing and chatting while we cook. 

twins and hello fresh

What are the Hello Fresh meals like?

The meals are restaurant quality (but simple to cook).  I think its all the finishing touches that make it so yum.  For example the small sachet of crushed peanuts and the three sprigs of coriander that you sprinkle on the noodle dish just takes it to that next level.  There is no way I would buy a bunch of coriander from the supermarket, just to use three stalks of it. 

Do I need to commit?  Or sell a kidney to afford it?


Use the Twinfo affiliate link below and get 40% off the 1st box, 30% off the 2nd box, and 10% off the next 2 boxes!!

You can pause or cancel at any time.  If you have a few busy weeks coming up as you are an accountant and its BAS time, then order Hello Fresh for three weeks.  Or maybe you, or your partner, or one of your children is having an operation.  Or you have extra dance rehearsals for the end of year concerts, or your multiples are in Special Care.

What I am saying is you don’t need to commit.  Seriously, try it for two weeks, and if you no longer need it, then just cancel it.  Simple.

Click HERE to find out more.

Reducing the mental load with twins or triplets

Triplets, twins and reducing the mental load with Hello Fresh

  • Are you time poor when it comes to cooking?
  • Are you brain dead after keeping multiple little humans alive all day?
  • Do you hate being asked, “What’s for dinner?
  • Do you despise grocery shopping?

If you answered yes to one of the above (or yes to ALL of the above as I did, then you need to try Hello Fresh.

Hello Fresh Saves you thinking what to cook, going shopping and throwing out leftovers……. no more yellow broccoli!!! Plus it is a convenient, healthy & great way to try new recipes.

Use the Twinfo affiliate link below and get 40% off the 1st box, 30% off the 2nd box, and 10% off the next 2 boxes!!  Cancel at ANY time.

Click HERE to find out more

hello fresh discount


Twinfo is Australia’s largest, most supportive, online community for parents of twins and triplets. Twinfo offers advice, products and services that make raising your babies easier, freeing you up to enjoy all the precious moments.

You can connect with Twinfo via the Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Etsy.


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